上(shang)海(hai)昀(yun)康(途必達)公司是一(yi)家集(ji)專業研(yan)發、生產制造和銷售印(yin)刷包裝機(ji)(ji)(ji)械企業,主(zhu)要產品有全自動智能高裱聯線(xian)、全自動智能裱紙機(ji)(ji)(ji)、翻(fan)紙機(ji)(ji)(ji)、理紙機(ji)(ji)(ji)、機(ji)(ji)(ji)械手自動碼垛系統等。 Shanghai Yunkang (Tubida) Company is a professional enterprise that integrates research and development, production, manufacturing, and sales of printing and packaging machinery. Its main products include High-speed Paper Laminator with Flip-flop Stacker, High-speed Paper Laminator, Fully automatic Flip-flop Stacker , Fully automatic paper pile Turner, Robot Automatic Stacking System, etc. 途必達公司深耕于印刷行業多年,公司以“智能創新、匠心品質、成就共贏”為企業文化。經多年奮進拼搏發展,公司已經成為中國印刷包裝設備口碑不錯的企業,贏得了眾多客戶的信賴。 Tubida Company has been deeply involved in the printing industry for many years, with a corporate culture of "intelligent innovation, craftsmanship, quality, and win-win achievements". After years of hard work and development, the company has become a well-known enterprise in China's printing and packaging equipment, winning the trust of many customers. 公司在產品研發上不斷投入,有多個技術應用屬行業首創,擁有數十項技術研發專利;大學以上的員工占比約四成,公司施行6S標準規范管理,獨具匠心的員工愿為印刷行業提供先進智能設備;主要產品服務于國內中高端客戶,并遠銷東南亞、中東、歐洲、北美等地。 The company continues to invest in product research and development, with multiple technology applications being the first in the industry and owning dozens of technology research and development patents; About 40% of employees are from universities or above. The company implements 6S standard management, and unique employees are willing to provide advanced intelligent equipment for the printing industry; Our main products serve domestic mid to high end customers and are exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America, and other places. 智能制(zhi)造(zao),方興未艾(ai)。途必(bi)達(da)公司愿(yuan)與您攜手合作共贏,共創輝煌(huang)! Intelligent manufacturing is in the ascendant. Tubida Company is willing to work together with you for a win-win situation and create brilliance together! 旗下公司:上海昀康印(yin)刷機械有限(xian)公司 蘇州途必達機械技術有限公司 